hi Xander;
I did'nt actually say 'well educated' I said more educated. And, at least from my own personnal experience, a very high proportion of 'new ones' in the congs tended to be more educated than average.Just an observation...
So when does 'a keen interest in learning things' tend to be a male occupation ????!
And why do you feel that 'sciences; mathematics etc' are the 'things' that 'they' go for?!
I would hope that your etc's also include the arts, literature,music which are just as challenging and that you don't feel women are less capeable than men. ( the old myth that educationally speaking we are less able in the Sciences and Mathematics has been proved false; statistics now show that when encouraged to study an educationally traditional male subject-the females are just as able- if not more so, as their dedication to study exceeds their males counterparts' dedication )